Monday 2 February 2009

Storyboard for Final Task - Every Rose Has It's Thorns

This is our story board for our final film. In my group this time I have Sammy, Rachel and Me. We all decided that our film will be called 'Every Rose Has It's Thorns'. Here is our story board.

Image 1:

Image 2:
Image 3:
Image 4:

In this Rachel drew the images. Me and Sammy wrote the information on them.

Evaluation for Preliminary Video

Evaluation for priliminary task

For my priliminary task, I worked with two other students who are Rosie and Rachel. The main shot for our film was some walking through a door. It also had to have specific shot types, these were match on action, 180 degree rule and Shot reverse shot. Our film was about a woman (Rachel) who had kidnapped a father’s (Me) daughter, she keeps him in a room tied up and then comes in through the door and they talk. When they were talking we used the over the shoulder shot so you can both characters. We also used a panning shot when the woman walked through the door, we first had the camera on her shoes and as she walking the camera went up her body until she sat down. We planned our film by making two storyboards, one was a picture storyboard which we took with Rosie’s mobile phone. The other was a drawn storyboard. After all the filming we had to edit the movie, for this we used the I-Movie programme on the Mac’s. We edited some parts to make it look like it was just one fluent scene. Overall I am pleased with the way we planned our film and the outcome of it.