Monday 13 July 2009

British Film Websites

This is England website is packed full of iconic colours, images and clips that represent the film and Britain. The colours that they use are the traditional red, blue and white which are the colours on the English flag. This straight away tells anyone who is viewing the site that the film will be very British/English. The font/text they use is very bold and original one which represents the film well as its a very gritty and realistic film. The image that they use for the background is an iconic image of a British council estate. This again sets the scene for the film as the film is based around locations similar to it. Overall I think the website demonstrates what the film is about and its nature very well.

The Queen website uses very plain and simplistic colours which represents the film well as its about the Queen who is very proper. They are very classic colours which adds to the feeling of a high class film because of the simple colour scheme.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Price - The website

This website creates an intense feeling and atmosphere by the moving graphics and the dark, intense blue colour. They have the iconic Harry Potter font and text which most of us are now used to and understand when we see it. The background scenery of the main page is London/the human world, this makes the viewers think as usually the main action happens inside Hogwarts and not around London. The expressions on the characters faces as well are also serious and intense. The moving graphic as I said before creates an intense feeling and the image also appears that it has been pulled backwards, this increases the intense feeling as its being aimed at you. Overall the website creates a great atmosphere which demonstrates the film perfectly.

Michael Caine

Sir Michael Caine is a English film actor that has appeared in many many British films for most of his life. He has worldwide fame as he has appeared in over 100 films. Recognising his contribution to cinema (especially British) the Queen knighted him in 2000. We are using him as a case study for the section of British Film. We are using him but he has very stereo typed and iconic aspects about him that make him British.

Caine had a very normal British childhood growing up in Camberwell, England. During World War II he got moved to Norfolk. He worked briefly as film clerk/messenger for a film producer name, Jay Lewis. He attended the National Service from 1952-1954 which was compulsory in those years.

Thursday 2 July 2009

Teaser Trailer Analysis

Teaser trailers are used to advertise upcoming films that are near their release date. They differ from normal trailers as they are much shorter usually about 30 seconds long, therefore this means that they have little content in the clip and usually feature the important parts of the film. They are also released quite a bit before the opening of the film to create some talk and excitement about the film. They are usually placed in adverts and before movies start at the cinema. There purpose is to attract attention to the specific movie and create 'talk' about it so people are ready/prepared for when it comes. It will also bring new audiences which will make the movie more successful. Some of them aim to suit social networking sites such as facebook, myspace etc. They do this because social networking is a booming business which is growing and growing all the time. Facebook has over 200 million active users and over 100 million log in everyday, so if they suit to theses sites they have potential to reach millions of new viewers for the film.

Here is a normal trailer:

Here is a teaser trailer:
Teaster Trailer

Start of A2 course

For the second year of our media course we will be studying British Film and collective identity. The main focus of the British Film part is why or what makes British films, British. We have already starting watching film clips, trailers and actual films, I think I will enjoy this part more than the first year as Im more interested in film than TV shows. We will be watching more (British) films ,comparing and analysing. We have also been doing webpages which is a part of our coursework that gets marked, this will be like our blog but specifically about British films.